Saturday, October 17, 2015



We are not here on earth by accident or by chance.
God created us with a purpose, a plan, a goal. We should not waste life, not even waste time on useless things, but we should take every opportunity to live in a way to please God.

Everything was created with a target, and likewise, each of us:
a chair is intended to seat in it;
a fan is intended to refresh ourselves;
each part of our body has a function.
None of us is alive by chance.

We need to know God's will for us. This is crucial for our existence.
What God wants for our lives is found in His Word. It is through it that God communicates with us. Two points can help us understand if what we do is or not according to God's will:

1. Must be according to the Bible
God does not contradict. He will never ask for something other than Himself revealed to us in His Word. What he said is right, it will always be right. What he says is wrong is always wrong. God's laws are immutable. If we disobey, we will have guilt and shame. God shows us the error, and He wants to help us to get back to obey Him. In Him, we have true hope, comfort, peace, repentance for the forgiveness of God (1 John 1.9, Isaiah 43.25). God can transform us day by day.
If we are in doubt whether something is of God, we can compare with His Word.

2. It makes us to be more like Jesus
Jesus is God Himself. He is the model and the following example. He is our standard of value, of attitude, of purpose, of obedience, of love, of care, of efficiency, of kindness, etc.
He knew the Bible, and practiced it, and preached to everyone, because he knows that we do wrong by not knowing the Bible nor the power of God (Matthew 22:29).

The more we know God, the more we will understand who He is. More we will know what He approves and disapproves. More we will know what He has prepared for us.

Friday, September 25, 2015



I believe that at the time we make decisions .

Some decisions seem to be conscious (who to marry, what profession to choose), and others, as routine, and sometimes so common, do not look like to be decisions (what clothes to use, what to say, how to use my time today). 

But everything that involves our life is about choices.
The Word of God tells us to always choose the good, the right, what pleases God , and always reject evil .
Good is to obey God !

Sunday, July 26, 2015


Have you read the Bible today?
The Bible, also known as the Word of God, Scripture(s), Holy Bible, is the revelation of God, an instrument that He Himself chose for us to come to know Him, to understand His will, to protect us against the danger of evil, etc. It feeds our soul.
It was not a human creation or invenction, but God´s chosen people who wrote the words spoken by God Himself (2 Peter 1.21).
Among the effects that the Word of God makes in us, we can highlight, as it says in 2 Timothy 3.16 "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness."

1. Read the Bible everyday, day and night (Psalm 1.2);
2. Choose one book and read it in sequence. When finished, choose another one, continuing the reading;
3. Before you read, pray to God asking for wisdom and help to put into practice His will;
4. Join a Bible Study, but also remember to study the Bible alone;
5. If you have any doubt  in what you read, fist ask God, and after that, search for a religious leader who fully believe in the Bible, and/ or go to a theological seminary and talk to the teachers;
6. If you do not like reading the Bible, or if you do not have this habit, what are you waiting for to pray to God and ask Him to give you strength to read it and to practice what is writing in it?!
7. If, perhaps, you fail to read one day, do not be discouraged: read it;

You have a privilege to be able to read the Bible, so enjoy, and have a good reading!!